Joachim Lutz, Dean of The University of Mannheim, Business School: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

Kate Mowbray
Authority Magazine
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2023


1. When in trouble, lead by example and with courage

2. It´s not always the worst strategy to seek direct confrontation

3. If in doubt, ask for help, but seek to get the job done

4. Take care of your stakeholders

5. Share achievements with your supporters — its not just you winning, its your team

As part of our series about the “Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Joachim Lutz, Dean of the University of Mannheim Business School. The former CEO of CropEnergies AG, Lutz boasts a 37-year long career within various sectors with he can now draw on as Dean of his alma mater, having graduated from the same school almost 40 years ago.

Can you tell us about your backstory and how you go started?

I think of my life as a circle — starting as a student of the University of Mannheim Business School. I graduated with a qualification in Business Administration in 1984, and my primary focus was on the finance sector, including banking and accounting.

After graduating, I gained seven years of experience in the banking industry with Deutsche Bank, working with corporates. This not only gave me valuable insights into the challenges multinational corporates are facing but was also incredibly interesting to find suitable solutions. With this background I became Finance Director at the world’s largest sugar producer, Südzucker AG.

Fifteen years later, the group strategically decided to divide its expanding renewable energy business which — after its IPO as CropEnergies AG — became a public company, with me serving initially as CFO and later CEO. Over time, the company rapidly expanded to become the European market leader in its field.

As a young man, my aim was to become an engineer. Although that didn’t work out, I did maintain my interest in vehicle engineering as a hobby, giving me valuable insights beyond economics when talking to engineers about performance, efficiency, and innovation.

To close the circle, in 2020, I accepted to become the Dean of my alma mater. So now, I can give back to my alma mater after 37 years in industry and management.

What motivates you?

There is a desire to share my experiences from a lifetime of business management with people, and I believe that actions speak louder than words. Additionally, I am thrilled by the idea of contributing to the improvement of the economy and society: there is so much effort necessary to transform the world into a better, more prosperous, and fairer place.

What three words would best describe your approach to leadership and why?

· Communicative — open and clear

· Prepared — a matter of respect and focus

· Jointly — listen to other ideas

What would you say is the most critical role of a leader during challenging times?

During challenging times, a leader’s role is critical in ensuring the success and stability of an organisation. Firstly, it is important for a leader to be at the forefront with their team. This can demonstrate commitment and support and provides a sense of purpose and direction.

Secondly, a leader must stay focused on the outcome, maintaining a clear vision and strategy even in the face of adversity. This helps to keep everyone aligned and working towards a common goal.

Lastly, a leader must show confidence, projecting positivity and resilience in difficult situations. This inspires confidence and motivation in those around them, enabling the team to overcome challenges and achieve success.

What is the best way to communicate difficult news to a team?

It is essential to be clear, timely, and outspoken on the matter, so that everyone is fully informed and aware of what is happening. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and confusion, and shows transparency and respect for the team. It is also important to show that you are on the same side and have no conflict of interest, as this show that you are acting in the best interest of the team. Finally, it is always important to consider a positive perspective and find ways to present the news in a manner to emphasis the opportunities and solutions, rather than just the problems. This helps to maintain morale and motivation, and it allows the team to focus on moving forward and overcome the challenges together.

When the future seems uncertain, what is the best way to boost morale?

It can be helpful to remind people of successful experiences from the past, or to show examples of others who have overcome similar difficulties. This helps instill a sense of confidence and belief in their ability to overcome the current challenges. It is also important for leaders to stay confident, to team up with the strongest members of the team, and to demonstrate a joint approach. Finally, don’t give up the fight before exploring all potential solutions. This helps maintain a positive and proactive attitude, and demonstrates a commitment to finding a way forward.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Motivation, intelligence and flexibility is more important than being yesterday’s expert — in our complex world, nobody will retire in the job they started years before.

Do you have a book in your life that impacted you and inspired you to be an effective leader?

In the morning, I read two business newspapers. During the day, I talk to inspiring people. The books I read are novels, adding non-commercial perspectives.

Based on your experiences, what are the five most important things a leader should do to lead effectively during uncertain and turbulent times?

1. When in trouble, lead by example and with courage

2. It´s not always the worst strategy to seek direct confrontation

3. If in doubt, ask for help, but seek to get the job done

4. Take care of your stakeholders

5. Share achievements with your supporters — its not just you winning, its your team

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

Success is 90% preparation. And as a piece of career advice: in doubt, take the more difficult road.

What are your hopes for the future and for the University of Mannheim Business School?

In our fast changing, complex world, it´s more valuable than ever to have a first-class education. The University of Mannheim, Business School (UMBS) has historic and actual achievements in quality and portfolio of education and we will ensure that UMBS will stay tuned to deliver first-class business research and teaching to deliver impact for a better economy and society. I am confident that the talents we shape at Mannheim will lead be responsible leaders of the future, with positive influence on the world of business, in Germany, and beyond.

Thank you for the time you spent on this interview. We wish you only continued success.

